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History of Medieval India - Satish Chandra

 History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra

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Book Details

Book Name : History of Medieval India

Author : Satish Chandra

Language : English

Pages : 406

ISBN : 978-93-5287-457-6

Contents on the Book

1. India and the World


The Arab World


2. Northern India: Age of the Three Empires (800–1000)

The Struggle for Domination in North India: The Palas

The Pratiharas

The Rashtrakutas

Political Ideas and Organisation

3. South India: The Chola Empire (900–1200)

The Rise of the Chola Empire

Age of Rajaraja and Rajendra I

Chola Government—Local Self Government

Cultural Life

4. Economic and Social Life, Education and Religious Beliefs (800–


Trade and Commerce

Nature of Society

The Caste System

Condition of Women

Dress, Food and Amusements

Education, Science and Religious Learning

Religious Movements and Beliefs

5. The Age of Conflict (Circa 1000–1200)

The Ghaznavids

The Rajput States

The Turkish Conquest of North India

The Batde of Tarain

Turkish Conquest of the Ganga Valley

Causes of the Defeat of the Rajputs

6. The Delhi Sultanat—I (Circa 1200–1300)

The Mameluk Sultans (Thirteenth Century)

Struggle for the Establishment of a Strong Monarchy

Iltutmish (1210–36)


Era of Balban (1246–87)

The Mongols and the Problem of the Northwest Frontier

Internal Rebellions and the Struggle for Territorial Consolidation of

the Delhi Sultanat

7. The Delhi Sultanat— (Circa 1300–1400)

The Khaljis and the Tughlaqs

The Khaljis (1290–1320)

The Tughlaqs (1320–1412)

Expansion of the Delhi Sultanat

Internal Reforms and Experiments

Muhammad Tughlaq’s Experiments

Decline arid Disintergration of the Delhi Sultanat: Firuz and his


8. Government, and Economic and Social Life under the Delhi


The Sultan

Central Administration

Local Administration

Economic and Social Life

Peasants and Rural Gentry

Trade, Industry and the Merchants

The Sultan and the Nobles

Town Life: Slaves, Artisans and Others

Caste, Social Manners and Customs

Nature of the State

Religious Freedom under the Sultanat

9. The Age of Vijayanagara and the Bahmanids, and the Coming of

the Portuguese (Circa 1350–1565)

The Vijayanagara Empire—Its Foundation and Conflict with the

Bahmani Kingdom

The Bahmani Kingdom —Its Expansion and Disintegration

Mahmud Gawan

Climax of the Vijayanagara Empire and its Disintegration

The Advent of the Portuguese

10. Struggle for Empire in North India—I (Circa 1400–1525)

Eastern India—Bengal, Assam and Orissa

Western India—Gujarat

Mahmud Begarha

Malwa, Mewar

Northwest and North India—The Sharqis, the Lodi Sultans


11. Cultural Development in India (1200–1500)


Religious Ideas and Beliefs

The Sufi Movement

The Chishti and Suharwardi Silsilahs

The Bhakti Movement

The Vaishnavite Movement

Literature and Fine Arts

12. Struggle for Empire in North India—II Mughals and Afghans


Central Asia and Babur

Conquest of India

The Battle of Panipat (20 April 1526)

The Battle of Khanwa

The Afghans

Significance of Babur’s Advent into India

Humayun’s Conquest of Gujarat and his Tussle with Sher Shah

Sher Shah and the Sur Empire (1540–55)Contribution of Sher Shah

13. Consolidation of the Mughal Empire Age of Akbar

Early Phase—Contest with the Nobility (1556–67)

Early Expansion of the Empire (1560–76)


Mansabdari System and the Army

Organization of Governrnent

Relations with the Rajputs

Rebellions and Further Expansion of the Mughal Empire

Towards Integration: State, Religion and Social Reforms

14. The Deccan and South India (Up to 1656)

Mughal Advance Towards the Deccan

Conquest of Berar, Ahmadnagar and Khandesh

Rise of Malik Ambar and Frustration of Mughal Attempt at


Extinction of Ahmadnagar, and Acceptance of Mughal Suzerainty

by Bijapur and Golconda

Cultural Contribution of the Deccan States

15. India in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century

Political and Administrative Developments in India

Nur Jahan

Shah Jahan’s Rebellion

Mahabat Khan

Foreign Policy of the Mughals—Shah Jahan’s Balkh Campaign

Mughal-Persian Relations—the Last Phase

Growth of Administration: Mansabdari System and the Mughal


The Mughal Army

16. Economic and Social Life under the Mughals

Economic and Social Conditions

Standard of Living:Pattern of Village Life and the Masses

The Ruling Classes: The Nobles and Zainindars

Zamindars and the Rural Gentry

The Middle Strata

Organization of Trade and Commerce

Foreign Trade and the European Traders

17. Cultural and Religious Developments



Language, Literature and Music


Religious Ideas and Beliefs, and Problems of Integration

18. Climax and Disintegration of the Mughal Empire—I

Problems of Succession

Aurangzeb’s Reign—His Religious Policy

Political Developments—North India

Northeast and East India

Popular Revolts and Movements for Regional Independence: Jats,

Afghans and Sikhs

Relations with the Rajputs—Breach with Marwar and Mewar

19. Climax and Disintegration of the Mughal Empire—II

The Rise of the Marathas

Early Career of Shivaji

Treaty of Purandar and Shivaji’s Visit to Agra

Final Breach with Shivaji—Shivaji’s Administration and


Aurangzeb and the Deccani States (1658–87)

The First Phase (1658–68)

The Second Phase (1668–84)

The Third Phase (1684–87)

Aurangzeb, the Marathas and the Deccan—the Last Phase (1687–


Decline of the Mughal Empire—Responsibility of Aurangzeb

20. Assessment and Review


*Related Keywords*

Satish Chandra book pdf

Satish Chandra Medieval India book pdf

History of Medieval India book pdf

Satish Chandra

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