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Exploring Early India - Ranabir Chakraborty

 Exploring Early India by Ranabir Chakraborty

Book Details 

Book Name : Exploring Early India
Author : Ranabir Chakraborty
Language :  English
Pages : 257
ISBN : 9789384082673


This third edition has been through press not only with a view to updating the bibliography in line with contemporary debates, but also to augment
the understanding of my readers by contextualizing the period discussed in Chapter V. I decided to add two appendices in order to bring to the attention of my readers some interesting developments in the history of the period from c.200 BC.to AD 300. Appendix I is prepared with a view to situating the recent developments in Kushana studies in terms of political history (but not dynastic history). The main intention is to take a close look at the
political processes that led to the transformation of the Kushanas from a nomadic Central Asian tribe to a very formidable settled polity. The new
perspectives of the persistent debates on the possible date of Kanishka has also been taken into consideration. Appendix II deals with the remarkable inscriptions, mostly-but not exclusively-Indic, discovered from the island of Socotra near the Horn of Africa in the western Indian Ocean. The inscriptions have been deciphered and meticulously studied by Ingo
Strauch and his colleagues. Dated to the first five centuries of the Christian era these inscriptions highlight the seafaring activities of the people of the subcontinent. 

The inscriptions have not only had very significant bearing on the early maritime history of the subcontinent, but raise important issues on social and cultural practices (including the myth of incurring pollution by undertaking voyages across the sea) and the epigraphic culture. Both the appendices address several technical issues, especially pertaining to primary sources. That is why the appendices are presented with footnotes which are otherwise avoided in the rest of the book. However, keeping in view the format and purpose of the book, the two appendices present broad overviews of the topics under discussion without getting into intricate details associated with both the topics. The Bibliography has been updated
also keeping in the light of the important publications that came out in the last five years. As the manuscript of the third edition was being prepared the excellent overview of south India, entitled A Concise History of South India, edited by Noboru Karashima reached me. I wished very much to incorporate some of the salient aspects of this book into my text, but that would have delayed the production of this book by several months more.

I had to reluctantly refrain from using Karashima's book, especially the sections therein on early medieval south India. The Index to the third edition has been kindly prepared by Ms. Preeti Gulati and Mr Abhimanyu, both currently pursuing M.Phil. degree in the Centre for Historical Studies,, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. My most sincere thanks go to them for their help and cooperation.

I have tried my best to keep the book as error free as possible. In case of any inaccuracy cropping up in the book, I would ask for the indulgence of the readers. I shall feel rewarded if this book is able to arouse curiosities and interests in the history of Early India which can be enriched by fresh exploration of the field.

Centre for Historical Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi

Contents on the Book

1. From the Beginning of Human Presence to the First Civilization
(up to c.1500 BC)

2. India During the Days of the Vedic Corpus (c.1500-600 BC)

3. Mahajanapadas, Urban Centres and Heterodox Religious Movements (c.600-300 Bc)

4. The Maurya Empire (c.325 BC-185 BC)

5. Confrontations, Commerce and Cultural Scenario (c.200 BC-AD 300)

6. A Political, Social and Cultural Overview: The Epoch of the Guptas
and their Contemporaries (AD 300-600)

7. Realms and Regions: Profles of Economy, Society and Culture
(C.AD 600-1300)

*Related Keywords*

Exploring Early India Pdf Download
Ancient India
Ancient Indian History 
Ranabir Chakraborty
Ranabir Chakraborty History book 
Early Indian History 
Exploring Early India Pdf 
Ranabir Chakraborty

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