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Ancient and Medieval India - Poonam Dalal Dahiya

 Ancient and Medieval India by Poonam Dalal Dahiya

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Book Details

Book Name : Ancient and Medieval India
Author : Poonam Dalal Dahiya
Language : English
Pages : 845
ISBN : 978-93-5260-673-3

Contents on the Book 

1. Ancient India
Pre-history phase
Palaeolithic Age(Hunters and Food Gatherers)
Mesolithic Age (Hunters and Herders)
Neolithic Age (Food-Producing Stage)
Chalcolithic Age / Copper-Stone Age(c. 3000−500 BCE)

2. Harappan Civilisation (c. 2600–1900 BCE)/Bronze Age
General features of the mature harappan phase
Town Planning
Harappan Imports
Famous Harappan Sites

3. The Vedic Age (Rig Vedic and Later Vedic) (c. 1500–500 BCE)
Rig vedic culture (c. 1500–1000 BCE) / early vedic civilisation
Vedic Literature
Social life of Rig Vedic Aryans
Rig Vedic Economy
Rig Vedic Religion
Later vedic culture and civilisation (c. 1000-500 BCE)
Later Vedic Society
Later Vedic Age Economy
Later Vedic Age Religion

4. The Mahajanapadas of the Indo-Gangetic Plain (c. 600–300
Political conflicts and the pre–eminence of magadha
Haryanka Dynasty (Magadha)
Shishunaga Dynasty (around 413 BCE)
Nanda Dynasty(First non-Kshatriya dynasty)
Maurya Dynasty(321 BCE)
North–west india: person and macedonian invasions
Persian Impact on India
Alexander’s Invasion (327−326 BCE)
Effect of Alexander’s Invasion
Social and material life in the age of the mahajanapadas
Administrative System
Legal and Social System

5. Buddhism and Jainism
Causes of origin
Gautama buddha and buddhism
Early Buddhist Literature
Life of the Buddha
Doctrines of Buddhism
Buddhism and Brahmanism
Reasons for Spread and Popularity of Buddhism
Reasons for the Decline of Buddhism
Buddhist Councils
Different Schools of Buddhism
Vardhaman mahavira and jainism
Early Jain Literature
Life of Vardhamana Mahavira
Doctrines of Jainism
Buddhism and Jainism
Spread and Influence of Jainism
Different Schools of Jainism
Jaina Councils

6. The Maurya Empire (c. 324–187 BCE)
Kautilya’s Arthashastra
Megasthenes’s Indica
The mauryan dynasty
Ashokan Inscriptions and Ashoka’s Dhamma
Ashoka’s Legacy
Mauryan Administration
The Mauryan Society
Mauryan Art and Sculpture
Decline of the mauryas

7. Political and Cultural Developments during c. 200 BCE–300 CE
Political history of north india
Indo–Greeks/ Bactrian Greeks
The Shakas/Scythians
The Scytho-Parthians/Shaka-Pahlavas
The Kushanas
The Shaka Kshatrapas of Western India
The Impact and Contribution of Contacts with Central Asia
The Satavahanas
Important Aspects of the Satavahanas
Early historical period of South India: From Megalithic to the state polities
of Chera, Cholas and Pandyas
The Administration and Social life in the Three Early Kingdoms
Social Structure and Organisation
Crafts, Trade, and Towns in the Post Mauryan Age

8. The Guptas and the Vakatakas (c. 300–600 CE)
Decline of the guptas
The Vakatakas of the Deccan
Various Facets of Life under the Guptas and the Vakatakas

9. Early Medieval India: The Age of Regional Configurations (c. 600–1200 CE)
Period from c.600-750 ce: northern india
Pushyabhutis of Thanesar
Administration under Harsha
The Maitrakas
The Maukharies
Perion from c.600-750 : southern india
Far South
The period from c.750−1000 ce: northern india
The Pratihara dynasty
The Palas of Bengal
The Rashtrakutas
General Overview of Life during these three kingdoms
Trade and Commerce
The Salama Dynasty of Assam(c. 800−1000 CE)
The Eastern Gangas of the Orissa
Period from c. 850-1200 ce: southern india
The Cholas
Administration of the Cholas
Chola Village Administration
Chola society and economy
Chola Art and Literature
Contact with South-East Asia and China.

10. Period from c. 1000 to 1200 CE: Northern India
The rajput clans
The Chahamanas/Chauhans
The Chandellas of Bundelkhand.
The Paramaras of Malwa
The Chalukyas of Gujarat/The Solanki Rajputs
The Tomaras
The Gahadavalas of Kannauj
Kingdom of kashmir and north-west
Karkota Dynasty
Utpala Dynasty
Yashaskara Dynasty
Hindu Shahi Dynasty
The chedis of tripuri
The senas of bengal
The gangas/chodagangas of orissa
Western chalukyas of kalyani/later westrn chalukyas
Developements in art and architecture, and science and technology
Religious movements and beliefs and development in philosophy
Heterodox Schools of Indian Philosophy
The islamic conquest of north india and the gangetic plains
Rise And Spread Of Islam
A Brief History of Islam
The Age of conflict(c.1000–1200 CE)
The Ghaznavids and Mahmud of Ghazni
The Ghurid Dynasty and Muhammad Ghori

12. Provincial Kingdoms of Medieval India
Deccan and southern india: vijayanagar and bahmani kingdom
The Vijayanagar Kingdom (c.1336–1672 CE)
Sangama dynasty
Administration of Vijaynagar Kingdom
Army and Military Organisation
Social life
Cultural Contributions
Conflict between the Vijaynagar kingdom and Bahmani Sultanate
Bahmani Administration
Western india-gujarat, malwa and mewar
North india: kashmir
Eastern india: jaunpur, bengal, assam, and orissa

13. The Mughals (c.1526–1857 CE)
The afghan interlude/sur interregnum (c. 1540-1555 ce)
Administrative system under the akbar
Organisation of Government
Central Administration
Provincial Administration
Land Revenue Administration
Mansabdari System
The Jagirdari System
Religious Policy
Akbar’s Navratnas
Mughal Dynasty after akbar
Art and Architecture during his reign:
Economic and social life under the muhals
Growth of Trade
Growth of Administration: MansabdariSystem and the Mughal army.

14. The Later Mughals, the Marathas and Other Provincial Kingdoms
The later mughals
Decline of the mughals
Mughal Administration
Rise of regional politics and states
The marathas
Shivaji and Rise of Marathas
Royal House of Kolhapur
The Office of the Peshwa (c.1640–1818 CE)
Maratha Confederacy
Shivaji’s Administration
South india
The State of Travancore
The Rise of Mysore

15. Bhakti Movement
The bhakti movement in north india
Prominent Leaders of the Bhakti Movement
The Bhakti Movement in Maharashtra
Non Sectarian Bhakti Movement
Vaishnavite Movement
The Chisti Silsilah
The Suhrawardi Silsilah
The Naqshbandi Silsilah
The Qadri Silsilah
Impact of Sufism
Sikh movement
Importance of the bhakti movement
Women in the bhakti movement

16. Coming of Europeans
The portuguse
The dutch
The english
The danes (from denmark)
The french
Anglo-french rivalry
Cause of Ist Carnatic War
Important Battles and treaty pertaining to Ist War.
Cause of IInd Carnatic War
Important Battles and Treaty pertaining to IInd War
Cause of IIIrd Carnatic War
Important Battles and treaty pertaining to IIIrd War
British conquest in india
Battle of Plassey (c. 1757 CE)
Background of Plassey
Conquest of mysore
British struggle with marathas
Anglo-sikh wars
Annexation of sindh (c.1843 ce)
Causes for Annexation:


The syllabus of the General Studies for the UPSC and State Service examinations is pretty exhaustive in nature and Ancient and Medieval History has emerged as one of the important component of this syllabus. Many aspirants
find history a boring factual subject that has to be crammed and is not a fun to learn. It is indeed difficult for any new aspirant to cover it comprehensively in a short span of time. The very purpose of writing this book is to break this myth and to make learning of history a joyful process.

This book has a completely new approach towards study of Ancient and Medieval History. It attempts to make the learning of history simple and interesting and provides a one-stop solution to all your history needs. The book is structured in a way that it is in sync with each and every topic in the syllabus. The information is given in an interesting format to make one comfortable with history.

Special Features of this Book

  1. Comprehensive coverage of entire syllabus pertaining to Ancient and Medieval History demanded for UPSC, State Services and other competitive exams.
  2. Inclusion of two comprehensive detachable quick revision charts each pertaining to Ancient and Medieval history to simplify the learning process.
  3. In every chapter, the keywords have been highlighted so that it becomes easy for the reader to make a quick reference to important points.
  4. Ample diagrams are included in the chapters to provide conceptual clarity about historic events.
  5. Along with the repository of last year’s questions (both Prelims and Mains), practice questions are provided for each chapter to make students practice, assess and master the particular topic.
  6. Use of simple and lucid language to cater to the needs of students of different backgrounds. The last chapter is more of an epilogue and is provided in the form of notes since it caters to certain crucial early modern India topics which are generally asked in examination.

I sincerely hope that all the readers of the book will appreciate and benefit fromits contents and find it useful for their preparation.

Any remarks/recommendations towards improving the content and its richness will be most welcome and eagerly awaited. Your valuable suggestions will go far in enhancing this book in the future. You may reach the author at

All the very Best!

Poonam Dalal Dahiya

*Related Keywords *

Poonam Dalal Dahiya book pdf
Ancient and medieval India pdf 
Poonam Dalal Dahiya book
Poonam Dalal Dahiya
Ancient India book pdf
Medieval India book pdf 


  1. Best Book for Upsc and PSC

  2. Da Ancient time refer to any period of time that predates written history, typically characterized by societies that did not have access to modern technologies. Ancient times are often associated with the rise and fall of civilizations, primitive practices and beliefs, and the development of complex societies.

  3. Da Ancient time refer to a distant era in human history characterized by early civilizations, ancient cultures, and primitive technologies. It encompasses periods such as the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and classical antiquity, providing insights into the origins and development of human societies.

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